Jackie Cohen、'The Valley'のMVを公開

Jackie Cohen
Marly Ludwig

カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス拠点のシンガーソングライター Jackie Cohenが、8/11にEarth Librariesからリリースしたニューシングル 'The Valley'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Marly Ludwig。

9/23発売のニューアルバム『Pratfall』収録曲。プロデュースは Jonathan Rado (The Killers, Weyes Blood, The Lemon Twigs)が務めており、この楽曲ではバックボーカルに Shaun Fleming (Diane Coffee)、ギターに Natalie Mering (Weyes Blood)が参加してます。


“This folk song is for the Valley girls and Ventura Boulevard pervs. It's my most autobiographical song. A love letter within the context of Stockholm Syndrome.

When I wrote this song, I was listening to a lot of Joni Mitchell and Radiohead and Paul Simon, all artists who have mastered the glitteringly pretty and haunted song about being back in a town. This song, for me, is like those big amalgamated memory sequences that happen in “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” and “Vanilla Sky.” Both films are about these deeply melancholic characters who aren't ready to reckon with themselves, and they kick and thrash and self-sabotage until they are so badly injured that they elect to undergo fantastic dystopian medical procedures meant to erase their pain and affect ignorant bliss. There is no bliss. Their formative memories bubble up and mash together and distort and zombify.

When I wrote "The Valley," I was just beginning to notice the bubbling. It's a sentimental song about the catastrophe of realizing who you are a second too late and the weirdly serene experience of looking back in grief as everything unravels. For a while, it really felt like I had escaped the trappings of my upbringing. It really annoys me how everything really does boil down to childhood.

I think it's really cool that we made an orchestral piece without an orchestra.”


The Valley
Jackie Cohen
Earth Libraries