サイケデリック・ボウイ!Human Buoy、新曲 'Anvils ft. Nicholas Allbrook (Pond)'を公開

Human Buoy

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オーストラリア/パース出身のミュージシャン Ben McDonaldによるバンド Human Buoyが、同郷のヒーロー Pondでフロントマンを務める Nicholas Allbrookを迎えた新曲 'Anvils'を公開!

デビューアルバム『Animation Station』は近日リリース予定です。

"I was trying to figure out how to sing the verses (of Anvils) and was picturing a Bowie sort of thing. I gave it a hot crack but could really imagine Nick doing it more justice... he came around to my bedroom studio and I recorded him singing the verses in a few different voices. I ended up mixing a few of them together to make an intimate choir of Nicks." - Ben McDonald