カナダ/トロント拠点、元 Moscow Apartmentの Brighid Fryによるソロプロジェクト Housewifeが、1/22にSubmarine Cat Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Work Song'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Carly Boomer。
3/7発売のEP『Girl Of The Hour』収録曲で、共同作曲・プロデュースは Derek Hoffman (Ellis, Arkells, Rêve)。
“Work Song is about feeling unsatisfied with yourself and where you’re going. I have really high expectations of myself but also have really unhealthy habits and so oscillate between being a workaholic and being burnt out. I wanted to poke fun at myself, while still processing it as a valid issue in my life. This song is for anyone else out there with executive functioning issues who sometimes feel like a hot mess.”