ポストパンクバンド Home Counties、デビュー曲 'Redevelopment'を公開

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イングランド/ブリストル拠点のポストパンクバンド Home Countiesが、3/24にリリースしたデビューシングル 'Redevelopment'を公開!

Home Countiesは Will Harrison, Conor Kearney, Barn Peiser Pepin, Sam Woodroffe, Dan Hearnの5人組。これまでに Whenyoung, Pip Blomのサポートを務めてます。

Wire, Gang Of Fourの時代からParquet Courts、Speedy Wundergroundの面々に繋がる100点の初お披露目。踊れるのがいいよね。


“‘Redevelopment’ is about town redevelopment, Lyrically, the first half of the song takes the view of 1960s redevelopers, with the second half addressing the tearing down of modernist buildings and replacing them with gentrified luxury flats. The song points out that these ideas of nostalgia, urban decay and progress come around in cycles. Fundamentally, it suggests that we should be as wary of arguments against redevelopment, as of redevelopment itself.”