
どストライクの新星!リヴァプールのジャングルポップデュオ Her's、デビュー曲 'Dorothy'を公開

Felt < Orange Juiceな雰囲気、最高だ!

UKリヴァプールを拠点に活動する Stephen Fitzpatrickと Audun Laadingによるインディーポップデュオ Her'sが、デビューシングル 'Dorothy'を公開!

リリースはHeist or Hit (Sea Moya, High Hazels)。

“It was one of the first songs we wrote together, but it came together really quick somehow. Steve brought the chords and some ideas for a melody over to mine late one night. We got a drumbeat going, doused it in delay and I suddenly found myself mashing away at the bass and that was basically it. That was just the way it seemed like it needed to be, It all made sense at the time.”
ー Her's

Heist Or Hit