オレゴン州ポートランド拠点のインディーポップアーティスト Henry Chadwickが、4/17にWashateria Recordings LLCからリリースしたニューシングル 'Reruns Alone'のリリックビデオを公開!
彼の経歴は前回のシングル 'I Hate The Sound'で書いたので合わせてどうぞ。
Henry Chadwick、'I Hate The Sound'のMVを公開
“I was re-watching Game Of Thrones last winter/spring, and was in a little bit of a funk,” “Whether the funk was caused by the binge-watching or the other way around, I’m not sure. I had just moved to Portland from Santa Cruz and was taking frequent trips back to the Bay Area to get more of my stuff up here and for recording work. So I was back and forth a lot, and when I was up here, I had possibly too much free time to do things like binge-watch TV. Somewhere around season 7 or 8 of Game Of Thrones, I found myself on the piano while the show was still on in the background and this song just sort of came out. I still have an original voice memo demo of it on my phone where you can hear some epic battles going on in the background & people yelling 'King of the North!’”