デンマーク/コペンハーゲン拠点のシンガーソングライター Troels Thorkild Sørensenによる名義 he is tall.が、6/3にMøs Møsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Snow Fortress'を公開!
楽器の豊かな重なりに乗ってキャッチーなメロディーがすいすい進む良い曲。アコギの軽やかなバッキングはJack Johnsonのようにも感じるし、観たあとに明るい気持ちになれる映画の導入に流れてそうな雰囲気ですよね。
“‘snow fortress’ is full of percussion, trumpet and vast amounts of uh-uh choir parts. Behind the extrovert sound of the song hides a very introvert and shy main character, who is singing about wanting to succeed in fitting into the public space that you enter as an artist getting up on stage. Wanting to fit the format so to speak. Does everybody not want to do that? The person in the song believes that the solution is to act as someone else and be an extrovert party animal. It all ends with he/she having to use extreme methods in the quest of the transformation.” - Troels Thorkild Sørensen