Hayden Calnin、'As Above, So Below'のMVを公開

Hayden Calnin

オーストラリア/メルボルン拠点のミュージシャン・プロデューサー・コンポーザー Hayden Calninが、7/5にNettwerk Musicからリリースしたニューシングル 'As Above, So Below'のMVを公開!

8/9発売のEP『All Kinds of Light』収録曲。




“Lyrically, it follows my spiritual journey,” “I'm converting from this very science-backed brain to quite the opposite and becoming a believer in magical things. I’m not just relying on physics to explain it all. It's all about how adopting this new perspective has shaped the way I’m thinking.” “This statement and title of the song is about the relationship and reflection in that what you do in the physical world will reflect in the spiritual. As I’ve gotten older, and as I experience more and more of life, I’ve also become much more spiritual and much more deeply connected into exploring that. I’ve gone from letting science explain things to me, to quite the opposite."



As Above, So Below
Hayden Calnin
Nettwerk Music