Hairpin、'Oh Dear'を公開


ニューヨーク拠点のインディーロックバンド Hairpinが、7/19にTransfer Campusからリリースしたニューシングル 'Oh Dear'を公開!

The Strokes, Phoenix辺りが好きな人におすすめのグッドバンド。少し懐かしい感じがして良いよね。


“This is a song I've developed on and off for 3 years about what it feels like to be in a relationship where you're totally turned inside out for your significant other to see -- the good, bad, and ugly. Exposed, in the headlights, like an ant under a microscope, or in an interrogation room with that bright light on you. Always the bright, exposing light. At first, it was a song about how fearful of that feeling I was, but then it became a song about how much I needed it. I'm super proud of it because of how vulnerable it is and how it's so connected to my journey of emotional growth and change over the last few years. I hope you enjoy <3​”



Oh Dear
Transfer Campus