オルタナロックバンド Glitterer、'Are You Sure?'のMVを公開


ワシントンD.C.拠点のミュージシャン Ned Russinによるバンド Glittererが、2/26にANTI- Recordsからリリースするニューアルバム『Life Is Not A Lesson』より、先行シングル 'Are You Sure?'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Ben Russin。


“The major theme in Life Is Not A Lesson is desire,” ““Are You Sure?” is a song about certainty. My younger self was fascinated with and comfortable in assurances. I felt very sure I had the answers to a lot of questions. What am I doing with my life? What do I like? Who am I? My current self not so much. This song addresses the desires to find these answers while admittedly contradicting itself in the face of their questions, unsure if they’re even important to answer in the first place.”