georgia, georgia、'friends'を公開

georgia, georgia


イタリア/ベローナ出身のシンガーソングライター Giorgia Pivaによる名義 georgia, georgiaが、1/24にFactory Flawsからリリースしたニューシングル 'friends'を公開!

Phoebe Bridgersの曲名から取った名義で昨年デビューし、複数枚のシングルですでに国内では注目を集めている人物。今年はもっと上に行く予感。


““Let’s stay friends” … You know that cliché your situationship tells you after the breakup, even though you were never really friends to begin with? I wrote “friends” after the end of a long on-and-off relationship, during a time when every morning I had to walk past places that had once been meaningful, feeling like we might run into each other at any moment. Every day, I found myself reliving the moment we met, our first kiss, and then how it all came to an end. That’s how “friends” came to life it helped me put an end to my turmoil and walk away with a song instead of a friend.”



Georgia Georgia
Factory Flaws