カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ拠点のインディーポップバンド French Cassettesが、6/7にTender Loving Empire Recordsからリリースするニューアルバム『Benzene』より、先行シングル 'When You Know, You Know'のMVを公開!
制作は French Cassettes, Vanessa Pla。
The Millennium, Triste Janeroのような60's後半のソフトロック的な響きが素敵な曲。このアルバム楽しみなんですよねー。
“I was listening to a lot of Bread and Barry White at the time, and this one just came out of that very quickly. I'd never paid more attention to what kind of pick I was using on my guitar; I just wanted it to have that feathery strum sound. I had just recently been helping a friend on their song and wrote what I thought was a really great melody. They didn't want it so I used it on this one.” - Lorenzo Scott Huerta