ニューヨーク/ブルックリン拠点のシンガーソングライター Greta Huang Skagerlindによるソロプロジェクト Flooredが、3/21にMerl MusicからリリースしたデビューEP『Floored』より、'Literally'を公開!
先週取り上げたばっかりだけど、前回の'Buddhist Temple'が良すぎたので。
“I made this song with my friend Kory Burrell at his home studio in Ridgewood, NY, as part of my debut EP as Floored. It's about realizing that you've been living in a fantasy of self-sufficiency— and accepting that isolating yourself from the world makes everything worse. I had the song written for several years, and Kory and I had a blast turning it into an indie-pop-country jam.”