Fan Girl、'stupidstupid'のMVを公開

Fan Girl
Jess Hauenstein

オーストラリア/メルボルン拠点のインディーロックバンド Fan Girlが、3/21にリリースしたニューシングル 'stupidstupid'のMVを公開!

制作は Fan Girl, Richard Clifford。

サックスに Stu Patterson (The Empty Threats, Placement)が参加し、ミックスは Oli Barton-Wood (Nilüfer Yanya, Shame, Do Nothing)、マスタリングは Felix Davis (Porridge Radio, Folly Group, The Murder Capital)が担当。



“‘stupidstupid’ is a song about a doomed relationship, an inevitable crumble, an almost comical disconnect between two people. As much as it feels like it’s going well, eventually it’s all going to fall apart. Sonically, the song is playful and angular, but still tows a strong line of darkness and chaos. Mostly chaos. ‘stupidstupid’ started as a glimmer of hope, an idea based around a monstrosity of chords at a frenetic pace, some wild woodwind, and a sticky vocal hook to hold on to throughout the rollercoaster. We truly hope the hooks and chaos are still intact. Not much else is.”
