カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス拠点の Andrea de Varona, Josh Fordによるインディーロックバンド Fake Dadが、11/21にFather Figure Musicからリリースしたニューシングル 'ON/OFF'を公開!
近日発売予定のEP『Holly Wholesome and the Slut Machine』収録曲で、ギタリスト Jeff Frantom (Blondshell)が参加。
“This was written when I couldn't get out of bed or leave my apartment. Time really bleeds together. When you ignore feelings for long enough you become overwhelmed by and disconnected from them—both numb and overactivated. This song compares that numbness to its direct companion, doomscrolling serotonin burnout. The modern world wants us to be overstimulated and ‘turned off,’ this song is me pleading to be turned back on.” - Andrea de Varona