ロンドンのミュージシャン Eliza Shaddadが新曲'Wars'を公開

Eliza Shaddad

UKロンドン出身のミュージシャン Eliza Shaddadが、来年リリース予定のEP Run から'Wars'を公開!

Love Ssegaと同じく、Clean Banditのデビューアルバムにfeat参加したアーティストです。


“Wars is the gateway to this whole release, it was the first song written for the EP, and the first sign of this more brutal sound. We were playing it live as a band and it was getting louder and grungier and crashier each time and it felt so good that when it came to recording I just wanted it to kind of implode. Lyrically it’s about fighting to hold something in, and I think musically we’ve created something that really supports that – ethereal, almost eerily controlled vocals gliding over a bed of increasingly rolling turmoil. Best unleashed loud.”


