Eden Rain、'Taking'のリリックビデオを公開

Eden Rain
Anita McAndrew

イングランド/ロンドン拠点のオルタナティヴポップアーティスト Eden Rainが、10/18にリリースしたニューシングル 'Taking'のリリックビデオを公開!

11/15発売のEP『Anyway, How Are You?』収録曲で、共同作曲・プロデュースは Edward Denholm (SOFY, Good Scott, Distance Learning)。



“I wrote this song with Ed earlier this year. I feel like I got a big pot and stirred together the relationship experiences of everyone I know. It’s not just a love thing- It’s kind of about the struggle of wanting to be close to someone but feeling like they're gonna ruin your life. It’s the push and pull of how much you'll let someone manipulate you till the degree where you’re either still enjoying it or feel in control. I think dynamics in romantic and platonic relationships are really interesting, I love dissecting romcoms. I wrote this after watching a film which made me think about how much you give up of yourself willingly to suit another person, or what they take away from you without even meaning to.” - Eden Rain
