UKオルタナポップバンド Easy Life、'Nightmares'を公開

Easy Life

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イングランド/レスター出身のオルタナティヴポップバンド Easy Lifeが、9/28にリリースしたニューシングル 'Nightmares'を公開!

プロデューサーは Fraser T Smith (Adele, Drake, Stormzy)。

Dionne Warwick 'Loneliness Remembers What Happiness Forgets' (Burt Bacharach作曲)を大胆にあしらった一曲。この曲を引っさげて今夜10/2放送のLater...with Jools Hollandに出演とのこと。ハネるといいね!




“Easy Life is a form of escapism,” “Living is proving to be increasingly difficult with all the pressures that modern life brings, and easy life rejects this materialistic philosophy; easy life is a hedonistic vision. When we coined the name there was a lot less thinking involved, but it feels like we have embodied the name over time rather than setting out from day one knowing exactly what it is we were looking for.” - Murray