Midlakeのメンバーによる別名義 E.B. The Younger、'Used To Be'のMVを公開

E.B. The Younger
rambo elliott

Midlake, BNQTのメンバー Eric Brandon Pulidoによるエイリアス E.B. The Youngerが、12/4にBella Unionからリリースしたニューシングル 'Used To Be'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Chris Phelps。俳優 Jason Leeの出演はアガりますね。

デビューアルバム『To Each His Own』は3月リリース予定とのこと。

“The tune ‘Used To Be’ is an acquiescence towards an imminent coming-of-age and the subsequent peace found in it’s acceptance. In short, this is 40 and I’m OK with it. It’s human nature to get stuck looking backwards and lamenting the passing of a romanticized time or place. Since we tend to appreciate things more now than when we do in the moment, my battle cry of sorts here is to champion the ‘now’ and carry on with a renewed spirit.”

Used To Be
E.B. The Younger
Bella Union