サイケロックバンド Dropper、'Ok Ok Ok'のMVを公開


ニューヨーク/ブルックリン出身のサイケデリックロックバンド Dropperが、1/21にDirt Dog Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Ok Ok Ok'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Leah Faye。

2/11発売のデビューアルバム『Don't Talk to Me』収録曲。プロデューサーに Andrija Tokic(The Bomb Shelter)を迎え、マスタリングは Heba Kadry (Björk, Slowdive, Beach House)が手掛けてます。


I think most people have gone through at least one breakup or had a friendship end that pretty much wrecked them for a little while. ‘Ok Ok Ok’ is about going to a party and being hyper-aware of that other person’s presence. It’s about trying to overcome discomfort but in the process overcompensating and being (maybe just a little) petty. It’s about that desire to prove to that other person, and to yourself, that you’re okay when maybe the truth is, you’re not.


Ok Ok Ok
Dirt Dog