Dick Dudley、'Dog Park'を公開

Dick Dudley
Dean Qiulin Li


オーストラリア出身のポストパンクバンド Dick Dudleyが、11/9にSureshakerからリリースしたニューシングル 'Dog Park'を公開!

Dick Dudleyは James, Richard Harris, Justin Lee Williams, Sebastian Stefaniの4人組。


'Dog Park'は近日発売予定のデビューEP収録曲。音からバンドのエネルギーと会場の熱気が伝わってくるような生々しさ。


“Dog Park was triggered by an 80s Soviet Post-punk drum sample. The early iterations had a dark mechanical sound before it was brought to the band to flesh out together. What came out was a punchy, straight forward and driving track. We just wanted to keep it simple, keep it fun. Richie put down the lyrics almost instantly after hearing the demo. He was staring through the glass doors between our rehearsal space and a newly built dog park. Guess that’s where the lyrical inspiration came from. You’d have to ask him… he’s back in the UK somewhere eating a liver onion chip dinner.” - James


Dog Park
Dick Dudley