Death Bells、'Lifespring'のMVを公開

Death Bells

カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス拠点の Will Canning, Remy Veselisによるバンド Death Bellsが、7/29にDais Recordsからリリースするニューアルバム『Between Here & Everywhere』より、先行シングル 'Lifespring'のMVを公開!


“We initially wrote ‘Lifespring’ at a friend’s studio, before the last record was even an idea. I thought I had lost the stems, but discovered them recently on a USB that had been sitting in my jacket pocket for the last few years, so we were able to finally finish the song.” He continues, “The lyrical inspiration came from reading about a fairly spurious organisation of the same name that were around until the mid-90s. Musically, it feels very different from anything we’ve done before; sleazier, groovier.” - Will Canning


Death Bells