イングランド/キングストン・アポン・ハル拠点のインディーロックバンド DEADSETが、10/27にMan Demolish Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'BLEAK'のMVを公開!
プロデュースは Pat Pretorious (The Talks, Life, Counting Coins)、マスタリングは Howie Weinberg (Nirvana, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Daft Punk)が担当。
“There’s a really prevalent mutual feeling about the area we all live in. Its rife with boredom and it feels like everyone’s stuck in mundane, monotonous cycles here”, “Most people fall into traps of binge drinking or substance abuse to get away from it. It’s really hard not to fall into that trap when there’s genuinely nothing else to do. There’s still a great community of people here, everyone trying to make it a special place and it will always be a special place to us. But it’s still difficult to get away from the fact a lot of people are struggling” - Sam Mellors
“Deadset became a band because we wanted to escape that cycle, dream of something better and create new horizons for ourselves. It’s our own escape from the depressing reality around here” - Adam Arnold
28th November- Polar Bear Music Club, Hull // The Sesh