イングランド/リバプール拠点のミュージシャン・プロデューサー Tarek Musa (ex-Spring King)によるプロジェクト Dead Natureが、2/10にリリースしたニューシングル 'Red Clouds'を公開!
制作に Joe Wills (Stealing Sheep, Dan Croll), Guro Gikling (All We Are)が参加。
“Red Clouds is about those dewy-eyed experiences we have of love, of people moving on, of moments you truly don’t want to end. I was listening to a lot of lo-fi 80’s music, the kinds of songs that bands were recording in their garages or local DIY studios on the first home-studio budget tape machines, and it inspired me to indulge in that world. A world of simple songs centred around innocent romance and love with lyrics so effortless in their attempt to be anything other than 3 minutes of pure nostalgia.”
Dead Nature