dani mack、'fleabag'のMVを公開

dani mack

テキサス州出身ロサンゼルス拠点のミュージシャン dani mackが、7/27にFuture Godsからリリースしたニューシングル 'fleabag'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Joel Lavold。

dani mackは Baylee Barrettの名義。3月に発表したシングル 'Someday'がかっこよかったので気になった人です。まだ3曲しかないのでこれからどんな曲が聴けるのかが楽しみですね。

'fleabag'はセルフプロデュースで、追加のドラムとミキシングで Whistler Isaiah (Hippo Campus)が参加。


“fleabag has layers to it”, “In simplest terms, which most can relate to, it's a nod to dating and how terrible it is. On a deeper level, it's a song about my own sexual repression and my difficulties with casual relationships. I grew up a devout Christian and letting go of the guilt that was instilled in me from such a young age is still something I still struggle with. There's still a little part of me that's afraid that come judgment day, I’m not getting into those pearly gates because I had premarital sex with some guy from a dating app.” - dani mack


dani mack
Future Gods