Dan Croll、'Slip Away'のMVを公開

Dan Croll
Camila Noriega

カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス拠点のシンガーソングライター Dan Crollが、1/10にCommunion Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Slip Away'のMVを公開!


初期の作風も魅力的だったけど、音に関しては Matthew E. Whiteをプロデューサーに迎えた前作『Grand Plan』以降が最高で、今回も彼が共同プロデュースで参加してます。


“I recently hit my five-year milestone of living in Los Angeles, and “Slip Away” is about the fatigue and struggle I’ve felt over the past year. It’s frequently had me questioning how realistic it is to carry on living here, and whether draining my savings, living without healthcare, and being so far away from home/family is really worth it. I found myself on occasions fantasizing about throwing in the towel and slipping away into a much simpler life, a life possibly even outside of the music industry. Having been in music my entire adult life, a part of me has wondered whether I could ever exist outside of it. A 9-to-5 job has always been something I’ve seen from the outside looking in, and to me, the structure and steadiness have always been so attractive. “Slip Away” is about the lure of escaping to a simpler existence.” - Dan Croll


Slip Away
Dan Croll