ニューヨーク/ブルックリン拠点のインディーロックデュオ Daisy the Greatが、10/6にS-Curve RecordsからリリースしたEP『Tough Kid』より、illuminati hottiesを迎えた 'Time Machine 2'のMVを公開!
制作は Alistair Barrell, Kelley Nicole Dugan。
Daisy the Greatは Kelley Nicole Dugan, Mina Walkerの2人組。昨年発表のアルバム『All You Need Is Time』のストリーミングが3億回を超えた人気バンドです。
illuminati hottiesはプロデューサー・ライター Sarah Tudzinによるソロプロジェクト。2018年発表のデビューアルバム『Kiss Yr Frenemies』の成功と共に、新たなサブジャンル tenderpunkという用語のパイオニアになった存在です。
オリジナルバージョンにilluminati hotties色満載の疾走感を加えた魅力的な一曲。
Daisy The Great - Time Machine (Official Music Video)
“Working with Daisy The Great was such a joy! They came in with the idea to completely rework their original tune, “Time Machine,” and basically let me go buck with a new arrangement. This band is rethinking their music in a way that exists completely outside of your everyday remix, they’re asking the age-old producer-brained question, “…but what if it goes like THIS?” and the results have been fascinating and fun and so, so special.” – Sarah Tudzin (illuminati hotties)
“Time Machine 2 is the evil twin sequel to our song Time Machine from our 2022 record ‘All You Need Is Time’. We’ve always had a dream to make a grittier, faster version of the song, so when we got the opportunity to collaborate with indie punk legend Sarah Tudzin of illuminati hotties, we knew it would be the perfect moment to realize that vision. We had so much fun creating this song with Sarah, and with Matti and Nardo from our band. We hope you love it and play it loud :)” – Daisy the Great