イングランド/イーストロンドン拠点のLo-Fiロックバンド Daisy and The Deadheadsが、5/9にMango Wax Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Baby'を公開!
Daisy and The Deadheadsは Daisy Tortuga, Callum McHugh, Olive Ashford, Charlie Ratcliffeの4人組。
6/7発売のEP『Butter Wouldn't Melt』収録曲。
Lando Manning, Maximilianを擁する要注目レーベル Mango Waxと契約して、これから目にする機会が増える予感がします。
“The 'Baby' in question isn’t that of a doo-wop teenage love affair, but the original, wailing-on-all-fours variety, with lyrics delving into the profound and often unspoken struggles surrounding fertility. We’ve used a big danceable sound to transport an emotionally complex story. A vulnerable yet empowered reflection of my own experiences. ‘Baby’ is an attempt to grapple with the difficult reality of this often untold story and the roles expected of women, even today.” - Daisy Tortuga
11 June - London, The Windmill - EP Launch show