DAAY、'Land Of The Living'を公開


イングランド/ロンドン拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド DAAYが、5/31にYada Recordingsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Land Of The Living'を公開!


最近は Trip Westerns, LIPWORMS, Riff Raff, Uncle Junior, Wednesday's Childなど、これから話題になりそうな面々と共演していて彼ら周辺の動きを含めて楽しみです。


“The song is a story describing the dimension in which we live - what J. R. R. Tolkien described as ‘middle earth’ or as the Druids and ancient cultures described as the middle world. In using colours red, orange, yellow, blue and green it is expressing the apparent ability to transcend this world through the re-assessment of daily rituals. The frustration of this journey is expressed in the main chorus line, where the desire to ‘live a little’ in this world is contradictory to the true meaning of living. ‘Live a little’ in this world seems to be an invitation for intoxication and self harm, the true antithesis of living.”
