
Cool Sounds、'6 Or 7 More'のMVを公開

Cool Sounds
James Morris

オーストラリア/メルボルン拠点のインディーポップバンド Cool Soundsが、8/10にChapter Musicからリリースしたニューシングル '6 Or 7 More'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Aidan McDonald。

10/7発売のニューアルバム『Like That』収録曲。


“The song is about constants in life and how our relationship changes to them. You perform the same songs over and over again and realise one day, hey I’m pretty different to when I wrote this. But as long as you’re having fun it doesn’t really matter. After a while whatever meaning it originally had has gone, but maybe that’s ok? I was listening to lots of The Clash and Jessie Ware at the time.” - Dainis Lacey


6 Or 7 More
Cool Sounds
Chapter Music