
Cola、デビューアルバム『Deep in View』をリリース


カナダ/モントリオール拠点のポストパンクバンド Colaが、5/20にFire Talk Recordsからリリースするデビューアルバム『Deep in View』より、先行シングル 'So Excited'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Camille Anais Semprez, Cedar Teionietathe Jocks。

Colaは元Oughtの Tim Darcy, Ben Stidworthyと、Evan Cartwright (U.S. Girls, The Weather Station)の3人が新たに組んだバンド。



“We would talk about this track as the ‘capstone’ of the Cola record,” “It was that song that we would warm up with and get tight on since it was one of the first to really come together, plus it’s fun to play. There are Cola songs of mine that predate this one but this was the one I was working on when Ben told me he was going to come back from grad school and we talked about jamming together. It clicked when we played it out with Evan and from there we decided to work on songs for a new project.”

“The first song Tim showed me, I had this special bassline which I had been playing at Ought soundchecks and was saving for the right moment," Stidworthy adds. "It fit perfectly in the first phrase of the chorus and felt like it was a sign.” - Tim Darcy


追記:'Fulton Park'のMVが公開されました。


追記(4/6):'Water Table'のMVが公開されました。

追記(3/11):'Blank Curtain'が公開されました。