ニューヨーク拠点のインディーロックバンド Closebyeが、5/29にリリースしたニューシングル 'Pilates'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Elizabeth Kroner。
Closebyeは Jonah Paul Smith, Ian Salazar, Margaux Bouchegnies, Julian Paint Smith, Simon Clintonの5人組。
'Pilates'は8/23発売のニューアルバム『Hammer of My Own』収録曲。
“The first inspiration for “Pilates” came when I overheard someone complaining about being “dragged” to a pilates class by their friend. I remember being a little envious, thinking, “Why are you complaining? I want a friend who will take me to pilates.” This was around the same time one of my closest friendships was falling apart, so the song became about the ways in which I lose myself in other people, projecting my own failures onto them. Throughout the song I’m constantly shifting the blame between myself and this character “Doug”. Doug and I are both privately self-destructing and unable to communicate, stuck in a paralysis, so my suggestion is we get moving with some pilates, which would be an easy fix. In reality, it is too late to salvage the relationship, and if I really wanted to go to a pilates class I would take myself. A lot of the album follows this realization about self-improvement–that I can only change if I want to–and this song is the pre-realization denial phase of that process.”