抑揚ばっちり!豪プロデューサー clnがニューシングル 'Owls'を公開


オーストラリア/ブリスベン出身のCallan Alexanderによるプロジェクト clnが、5/6にリリースしたニューシングル 'Owls'を公開!

“Life can get really busy. It’s very easy to stress, and get worked up about things that aren’t really that important. Your mind gets to a point where it has too many things to worry about, and as a result you don’t have time to just sit back and be happy with what you have. This song isn’t really about any particular experience that I’ve had, it’s more just intended to reflect on that moment where you realise that you are completely overwhelmed by your own thoughts”
ー cln