テキサス州拠点のアーティスト Clarence Jamesが、3/29にリリースしたニューシングル 'Flake'を公開!
2018年発表のデビューシングル 'Ronson Princess'がカルト的な人気を獲得し、Spotifyだけで約1,200万回の再生回数を記録。これまでに Fat Tony, The Ironsとコラボレーションを行い、Luna Luna, Joy Againのオープニングアクトを務めてます。
'Flake'は近日発売予定のニューアルバム『WHY WOULD I MAKE PEACE WITH THIS DEMON?』収録曲。
“I feel like the sentiment of the song is a popular one among my fellow neurotics. I've been struggling to navigate the mental systems that are keeping me from staying in touch with my loved ones. Personally and societally, strong community units are somewhat of a commodity. I personally tend to dwell on it and form bad habits centered around anxiety. These habits far too often lead to self destruction, and it’s important to understand the positive significance of relying on people.”