[NYP] CHUCK、ラストアルバムから 'Happy Birthday'のMVを公開


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ニューヨーク/ブルックリン拠点の Charles Griffin Gibsonによるベッドルームプロジェクト CHUCKが、8月にリリースしたラストアルバム『Frankenstein Songs for the Grocery Store』から最後のシングルカット 'Happy Birthday'のMVを公開!


“I've been making DIY music since I was in High School. If you haven't done it, I can't explain how fun it is to build songs by yourself. It's a magical thing. But I know my path is leading elsewhere, and I'm not made for the music biz. I'm 30. I'm married. I have a full-time job. I just don't have it in me anymore. So without further adieu, please enjoy the final CHUCK record. It's got songs about diet, exercise, work, love, T.V. and animals.” - CHUCK

Benjamin Shawによるリミックスが収録されたシングルはBandcampからname your priceで入手可。アルバムも合わせてどうぞ。

CHUCK - Happy Birthday
CHUCK - Frankenstein Songs for the Grocery Store