Cate Le Bon、'Typical Love'のMVを公開

Cate Le Bon

ウェールズ出身のミュージシャン・プロデューサー Cate Le Bonが、9/14にMexican Summerからリリースしたニューシングル 'Typical Love'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Phil Collins, Stefan Ramírez Pérez。


“'Typical Love’ was a product of a rare jam session with dearest genius friend, Stella Mozgawa,” “The outline, written on bass along to one of Stella's infectious grooves, was taken into the Pompeii sessions where I disassembled and reassembled it many times but it always felt like a second cousin to the other tracks so was put aside for a rainy day.” - Cate Le Bon


Typical Love
Cate Le Bon
Mexican Summer