

Andrew Cotterill

イングランド/ロンドンを拠点に活動するシンガーソングライター Carmodyが、3/30にYoung Poetからリリースしたニューシングル 'Hurricane'を公開!

'Hurricane'は7/6発売のデビューアルバム『Imperfect Constellations』収録曲で、共同作曲・共同プロデュースは Avi Barath (Berwyn, Priya Ragu, Pa Salieu)、 Calum Duncan (Alaskalaska, Rachel Chinouriri, Jones)。

また、アルバムでは Tom Misch, Alfa Mist, Conor Albert, Laura Mischがコラボレーターとして参加してます。



“My Grandma once told me that she doesn't dream, and that if she does, it’s not in colour. I was just like wow, that line has to go in a song,” “We have a strange relationship, because she's quite a difficult, but very loveable woman. She’s quite rude, she's really crass, she's got a lot of love but she can't often feel it. It's about me trying to get through to her, but also recognising that I feel like I am quite like her. I wouldn’t call it depression, but I struggle with sadness, and there’s a lot of sadness that she's had in her family that she's just carried. That hurricane feeling; I feel like I carry some of that too.” - Carmody


Young Poet