エクスペリメンタルデュオ Camila Fuchs、'Moon's Mountain'のMVを公開

Camila Fuchs

ポルトガル/リスボン拠点の Camila De Laborde, Daniel Hermann-Colliniによるデュオ Camila Fuchsが、9/22にfelteからリリースしたニューシングル 'Moon's Mountain'のMVを公開!

11/13発売のニューアルバム『Kids Talk Sun』収録曲で、Spacemen 3, Sonic Boomの Pete Kember (Beach House, MGMT, Panda Bear)がプロデュースを手掛けてます。



“Moon’s Mountain is the song that references moments and places during this time: experiencing psychedelics, encountering days with odd colored skies, the moon drawing the mountain we see from afar, the non-need of being careful, Pete coming by and dropping off plants at our doorstep morning after morning, sitting and waiting for the music making to start, the love that spread from day to day.”


Moon's Mountain
Camila Fuchs