インディーポップバンド Banji、'Dogbreath'のMVを公開

Pasqual Amade

オランダ/ユトレヒト拠点のインディーポップバンド Banjiが、4/15にPIAS Recordingsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Dogbreath'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Pasqual Amade。

前回の'Listen'とは異なるテイストの心地よくて軽快な楽曲。Easy Life, Alfie Templemanの流れに乗れそうな雰囲気もありますね。

プロデュースはメンバー自ら行い、ミックスは Mucky (Sevdaliza, Wiley, The Black Eyed Peas)が担当。前作に引き続きアートワークは Zack Rosebrugh。


“The chorus was inspired by stumbling across the word 'Dogbreath' in the notes app on my phone (I think my girlfriend put it there??). I recorded the hook with this word in mind, and the rest of the lyrics just fell out. I wanted to encapsulate a type of regret. One that is not rooted in truth, but in appearing truthful. Feeling guilt-ridden about your actions, and wishing it would have gone another way, but failing to accept true consequence. Coming up with excuses instead of dealing with it. Like you can't just fix you breath with a piece of gum, you can't change the situation you put yourself in that easily.” - Morris Brandt