カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ拠点のインディーポップバンド Analog Dogが、1/31にDigital Cat Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Best of Me'を公開!
近日発売予定のニューアルバム『It’s Not The Money That We’ll Remember』収録曲。
昨年発表のデビューアルバム『Color TV』ではディスコの他に、サイケロックやジャズ・フュージョンも扱って表現の幅を見せるような雰囲気があったけど、ここまで吹っ切れた楽曲はなかったから次回作が非常に楽しみ。衣装含めて絶妙すぎ。
“I was moving out of an apartment in San Francisco, where I had currently lived with my partner of 10 years. Our relationship was ending in an incredibly painful way, and my best friend from college (featured vocalist on the track, Sanjay John) came up for a weekend to give me some support. In my despair, we took a few psychedelic mushrooms together and spent an afternoon in the studio. At the time, we were reveling in the recent attention and connection we had made with UK funk stars Franc Moody, and wanted to write another song that brought us closer to the Nu-Disco universe. Sanjay had played me this little four chord loop during that trip, and we became incredibly inspired by the feel. I remember going back to the apartment to move the last of my things out the next day, and sitting at the piano in true despair, but that four chord loop came back to me and gave me so much hope. I reflected on all of the bridges I had burnt, all the superficial things I had gotten lost in, and the kind of ‘you drive me crazy’ love that I was hoping to curate in my new life. I remember contemplating my whole existence, and the Carl Jung quote ‘Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate’ ringing in my head. I used this song as an opportunity to make my unconscious conscious, and I wrote all of the melodies and lyrics for the song sitting at that piano right before I moved out and ended an entire chapter of my life.” - Austin Waz