アリゾナ州出身のアーティスト・フォトグラファー Lela Amparoによるプロジェクト Amparoが、12/10にTaabiirからリリースするEP『Rains』より、'Ruby'を公開!
6月発表のEP『 Isolated Islands』とは全く異なるアプローチにグッときましたね。他の収録曲もこっちのテイストなのかな。
"This past summer I spent time in Gothenburg, Sweden surrounding myself with the nearby woods. The original intention was to continue crafting electronic music, however after a friend loaned me his guitar, the outcome was entirely different. Over the course of two days, I sat down and began to sketch out guitar hooks and loops, which would eventually transpire into this ep."