ロンドン拠点のアーティスト Amelia Rose、フィンランド出身のプロデューサー・マルチインストゥルメンタリスト cocabonaが、1/27にリリースしたコラボレーションシングル 'Falling Down'を公開!
Amelia Roseは、今回のシングルでギターを弾いてるニューヨーク拠点のアーティスト Relyaeとのシングル 'midnight'で注目を集めた人で、2月にデビューEP『Phases』を発売予定です。
“This track is about going back to your old ways even though you realise that something isn't working out,” “I wanted to create a kind of sonic tapestry with the production and the vocals, that would take the listener on a journey through that emotional space which cocabona really brought out and was a pleasure to work with.” - Amelia Rose
“'Falling Down’ was an amazing experience to write and produce with Amelia,” “I discovered Amelia on Instagram and immediately fell in love with her sound. It was really inspiring to get to work with her, and I'm excited to see what people will think of the song.” - cocabona
Amelia Rose & cocabona