Alana Yorke、'Marion'のMVを公開

Alana Yorke

カナダ/ハリファクス拠点のチェンバーポップアーティスト Alana Yorkeが、1/17にPaper Bag Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Marion'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Annaka Gale。

5/17発売のニューアルバム『Destroyer』収録曲。共同プロデュースは夫でもある Ian Bentが担当し、21人編成のオーケストラが演奏に参加。



“After my grandmother's passing, I was looking through old family photo albums, and the deep brown eyes of my grandmother really spoke to me, but also the 'green and gold' hazel eyes of myself as a young toddler," remarks Yorke. "Eyes became a link between generations, what we share in ways that are difficult to understand, and how a loved one can continue to live on through us. The intensity of the music and the vocal is an expression of the grief I was feeling. When we produced this song, we created so many beats, tracked drum parts, edited them, and later in the process we ended up peeling almost everything back to reveal the vocal and piano. When the strings were tracked, the new arrangement made sense, and had a new power that was more confident than expected.”



Alana Yorke
Paper Bag