Adam Harpaz、'Options'を公開

Adam Harpaz

オーストラリア出身のシンガーソングライター・プロデューサー Adam Harpazが、8/2にGreywood RecordsからリリースしたEP『Options』より、タイトル曲を公開!

Splendour in the Grass, Falls Festivalなどの国内フェスに出演し、昨年には2回目のヨーロッパツアー(10カ国で16公演)を成功させた実力派。



“options provides a sonic canvas to a question on the minds of the many; how to more often than not find a sense of ‘balance’ in this fast moving world whilst trying to process our traumas + trials/tribulations. the song argues that balance is found within the simplicity of committing to a core focus or life mission through the key pillars of our lives; not to spread ourselves too thin for fear of failure under the guise of safety. if we are brave enough to follow and trust that internal compass that makes us human, we can not only get closer most days to a state of calm but also improve the health of our communities, relationships and life experience through combining our skills to create something bigger than ourselves.”



Adam Harpaz