オーストラリア/ローンセストン拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Dvrkworldが、3/14にPsychedelic Salad Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Us'のMVを公開!
Dvrkworldは Mary Shannon, Drew Farrant-Jayet, Shawn Arnold, Ryan Ungerの4人組。
'Us'は3/28発売のデビューEP『Dvrkworld』収録曲で、ミックスは Spiro Noutsatos、マスタリングは Mikey Young。
2023年に結成。2024年1月にデビューシングル 'Lotus'を発表し、翌月には Unknown Mortal Orchestraの前座を務めた、今勢いのあるタスマニア島出身のバンドです。ガレージ・サイケ・シューゲイズを貪欲に吸収したサウンドがかっこいいですね。
“'Us' was one of those songs driven more by feeling than concept, though they’re deeply intertwined. Personally, I’ve been grappling with the seemingly endless barrage of global atrocities and the constant sense of guilt—whether it’s within my own life, my family, my community, or the broader issues we face as a society. There’s this underlying mantra of "maybe the world would be better off without humans." So, the song is about exploring that feeling and finding ways to manage it day-to-day. The ‘Think Global, Act Local’ ideology has really helped me navigate this. If I can’t fix the world, I can at least live in a way that reflects my values within my own circles, using whatever privilege I have to make positive change, support others, and somehow keep the dream of a better world alive. The line ‘I choose us’ is meant to be a sort-of call to action, or a call to ourselves—to show up for each other, be kind, fucking vote, and do everything you can to support those around you in this beautiful, yet entirely cooked world. It’s a reminder that, even when it feels completely dire, there are still ways to help, to contribute, and to stand up for a more inclusive and less violent society.” - Mary Shannon