カナダ/バンクーバー拠点のオルタナティヴポップアーティスト Wallgrinが、3/11にBronze Age Feelingからリリースしたニューシングル 'To Be A Creature'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Jacob Pascoe。
Wallgrinはコンポーザー・ボーカリスト・バイオリニスト Tegan Wahlgrenによる名義。
これまでに Iceland Airwaves, The Great Escape, Tallinn Music Week, FOCUS Walesなどに出演してます。
エレクトロニック・アコースティックを織り交ぜたアヴァンギャルドな作風が持ち味。Florence + the Machine, Caroline Polachek, Weyes Bloodが好きな人におすすめです。
“The lyrics of 'To Be A Creature' may read as a cynical take on the creation of online identity, and how we are constrained by social expectations. Maybe there's a hint of that, but mostly, I was writing from a place of endearment. I think about how my friends and I endlessly circulate these adorable videos of baby hippos, cats, dogs, birds, and other unusual animals — they're all so blissfully unaware of their own sweetness. And I often think of human beings that way, too. You're just another animal on the screen, who can enchant and connect with others in ways you may never know.”