ニューヨーク/ブルックリン拠点のアーティスト Avery Friedmanが、2/28にAudio Antiheroからリリースしたニューシングル 'Photo Booth'を公開!
4/18発売のデビューアルバム『New Thing』収録曲で、演奏に Felix Walworth (Florist, Told Slant), Ryan Cox (Club Aqua), Malia DelaCruz (CIAO MALZ)が参加。
先に公開された'Flowers Fell'とは趣の異なるサウンドに驚いた一曲。それにしても、この人が書くメロディーは心に留まるものがあって素晴らしいです。
“I wrote this song after a vibrant night out with my friends last winter – a night memorialized by many chaotic photo booth strips. Something about the novelty, containment and ephemerality of a photo booth just invites a sort of flirtatious mischief. This night out in particular felt like an encapsulation of spin-the-bottle-type ‘second adolescence’ that many queer people experience when coming into themselves after their adolescent years pass. This song really came into itself when we decentered my guitar, and surrendered to the more chaotic, pop-adjacent production it was asking for.” – Avery Friedman