イングランド/ロンドン拠点のミュージシャン・プロデューサー David Zbirkaによるオルタナティヴ・シューゲイザーバンド sunnbrellaが、2/26にMusic Websiteからリリースしたニューシングル 'tuff'のビジュアライザーを公開!
8月発売予定のニューアルバム『gutter angel』収録曲。
ドラマーとしてのキャリア (Golf Alpha Bravo, Drug Store Romeos, Max Bloom (Yuck))がそうさせるのか、ビートのデカさが潔くて好きです。
“‘Tuff’ is about that moment when you realize you’ve been caught in someone else’s game for way too long. It’s this push and pull where trust gets weaponized, truths are buried, and love starts to feel more like a competition with rules you never agreed to. Lines like ‘Teach me rules to your twisted game’ and ‘A trust fall only caught in a lie’ reflect that feeling of betrayal—of giving someone your trust only to realize it was never safe in their hands. Compared to ‘flowstate,’ which was more about self-destruction, this one is about clarity. It’s about finally seeing the cycle for what it is and deciding not to play along anymore.” - sunnbrella