カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス拠点のインディーポップアーティスト Maganaが、1/24にAudio AntiheroからリリースしたEP『Bad News』より、'Half to Death'を公開!
Mitski, Lady Lamb, Laura Corteseのバンドでベーシストを務め、Emily Mooreとのポップデュオ pen pinとしても活動するマルチインストゥルメンタリスト・フォトグラファー Jeni Magañaによるソロプロジェクト。
昨年3月発表のアルバム『Teeth』、10月発表のマルチメディアプロジェクト『Dreams』に続く新作で、今回の作風については “Cozy Core”, “Winter Pop”と表現してます。
“This EP is the last of what I think of as an interconnected trio of releases. Teeth was made for spring, a period of growth. It was expansive and exploring. Dreams was made for fall. It was about dusk, the dawning of the restful months. Bad News is made for that period of time between the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Stillness before movement. Each song is about the period of time right before a transition: the realization that change is coming or that it needs to come. As the most lyrically driven of the releases, it is mostly about storytelling. I think of each track as a vignette of a moment in time for four different stories.” – Jeni Magaña