flipturn、'Burnout Days'のMVを公開


フロリダ州フェルナンディーナビーチ出身のインディーロックバンド flipturnが、1/24にDualtone Music Groupからリリースしたニューアルバム『Burnout Days』よりタイトル曲のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Jacob Cummings。

昨秋だけでも Austin City Limits, All Things Go, Ohana Festに出て、今月は Jimmy Kimmel Liveに出演した絶好調バンドの2nd。ちなみに今月18日には彼らの拠点である同州ゲインズビルで、地元音楽シーンを盛り上げるために Playground Music + Arts Festivalを企画・主催してます。


“We decided to name the album and also wrap it up with this song in particular because it was the most hopeful outlook on the side effects of burnout. The inspiration came when I met my current partner. I have always had a hard time letting myself enjoy life because I was constantly wanting more, never truly felt satisfied with where I was and who I was, and honestly sometimes just didn't think I deserved to enjoy it at times. She slowed everything down and for the first time I wasn't denying the feeling of burnout but embracing it as just another chapter in my life that I was going to grow from. In broader terms though dealing with burnout as a band made us realize and appreciate the people in our lives that loved us no matter what. Chasing this dream we’ve always had has led us to leave the people we care about constantly. With no guarantee of actually achieving it they still support us because they love us and they know how much we love what we do.”



Burnout Days